Olivia Ogren-Hrejsa Photography, LLC

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Get Headshot Ready

Five Tips to Get the Most Out Your Headshot Session

Creating your headshot or branding images does not have to be intimidating. You can actually have fun with it. Think of this portrait session as quality “me-time.” This is about you, after all. Give yourself the time and space to embrace and enjoy. And I’m here to help you through every step.

Here are your five tips to get yourself ready for your closeup.

1. Clarify Your Goals

How do you want to use your images? When you know you need new headshots or require branding content, the first thing you should think of is your end-use. This will help you determine all the other moving parts to coordinate your portrait session.

Ideas to consider: Will your portrait only show up as your Linked In or Zoom headshot? Or will it be used in a variety of ways, like your website bio picture or in a feature article? Do you need several images to add content to your social media feeds or blog posts? Do you need to incorporate props or products into your images? And so on.

2. Choose Your Look

Your look is often determined by your industry and then your personality. This is how you visually communicate yourself to the world, and you can have some fun with it.

If you’re in a conservative industry, a traditional portrait with a muted background may be what fits best. Want something completely different? Maybe a white or brightly-colored background fits your brand better. Going for friendly or approachable? Perhaps you’d prefer a residential setting instead.

3. Clothes Make It Work

Once you know how you want to use your image and the type of look you want, the wardrobe choices come more easily. If you’ve booked a longer portrait session, you can plan several outfits to complement the different looks you are creating. Your photographer or a stylist can guide you if you are unsure.

Note: Let your photographer in on what you are wearing, as some materials do not photograph well or become transparent with strobe lights!

Always test out your complete outfit with accessories in advance to check the fit and see how comfortably you can move. Can you easily sit or cross your arms in those clothes?

Grab a few selfies in that outfit too. If you kind of like it in a cell phone picture, it will likely look great when professionally photographed.

4. Consider Professional Help

No, you don’t “need” it. But consulting with a stylist can help you carry your look and confidence beyond your amazing portrait experience. Many stylists offer complete branding packages and help you shop, often saving you time and frustration.

Ladies, consider using a hairstylist and/or a makeup artist (MUA) for your portrait session. You will look amazing, and your confidence will shine through in your images. *Many MUAs can style your hair as well.

5. Care For Yourself

Practice self-care in the days leading up to your portraits. We all know staying hydrated and getting enough sleep is important but is more easily said than done. However, if you make an effort to take care of yourself, you will look more rested and shine a little brighter. Drinking plenty of water ahead of time can do wonders for your skin. Applying chapstick at bedtime for a few nights before your session can help heal cracked lips and allow you to smile more easily. Scheduling a manicure the day before your session is the icing on the cake.

Note: The week of your portrait session is NOT the time to try new haircuts, visit tanning salons, or experiment with new cosmetic products!

I hope you found these tips helpful and practical. We will walk through each step of the portrait process together when you select me as your photographer. I am happy to be your sounding board, style guru, or posing coach. I can also direct you to seasoned professionals in hair and makeup and personal style.

When you’re ready to invest in yourself, I’m here to help.